Vijay Kumar

With over 30 years of experience on design innovation, Vijay Kumar is a methodologist, planner, teacher, and advisor. He is currently a professor at the Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. Kumar is focused on developing and using structured methods to uncover unexplored innovation opportunities, conceive reliable human-centered innovations, and turn them into strategic plans for organizations. Kumar is a frequent speaker and is widely published. He regularly conducts executive workshops for transforming the innovation culture in organizations. He has consulted to numerous global organizations such as Autodesk, Bose, Daishinsha, Hallmark, Kraft Foods, Liberty Mutual, McDonald’s, Motorola, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, SC Johnson, Shell, SAS Airlines, Steelcase, T-Mobile, Target, Texas Instruments, Wells Fargo, and Zurich Financials among others.

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