Do You Like Your Team?

Published on
August 5, 2013
Chris Taylor
"Ideas are only valuable when applied."
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We’re running a full-staff* retreat in a couple of weeks, and I can honestly say I’m really looking forward to it.

I started thinking about the people that I work with on a daily basis, and how much I enjoy our conversations. I’m not saying that we agree on everything. I’m not saying that we’d necessarily be the best of friends if we didn’t work together. But I do love the conversation. I love the fact that, despite our differences, we’re united by a common objective, and that leads to mutual respect.

What about you? Do you like your team mates? Do you respect them?

I’d like to suggest that if you work in an environment of aligned beliefs and a common goal, the superficial stuff can be overcome. The “personality” doesn’t get in the way as much. It’s easier to say “I don’t agree” and move past it.

So if you find yourself complaining about your co-workers, maybe it’s worth taking a step back and evaluating the organization on a larger level. Do you share an aligned purpose? Is there something deeper connecting you? Start there, and look for common ground.

* “Full staff”, minus Andy – he’s in London… and shall be missed.