I’ve had some phenomenal meetings over the past couple weeks. Reconnecting with passionate clients, meeting some amazing new (potential) clients and riffing with some like-minded partners. And there are the keywords – “like minded”. These are people that get it. Whether it’s been partners, clients or potential clients, the conversations have been relaxed, engaging and charged with enthusiasm. They’ve been full of optimism and the mentality that anything is possible. I believe it’s because we’re on the same page. These are our people. I can’t necessarily explain what it is, but I’m continually amazed by the caliber of people I have the pleasure of meeting through this role. They connect with one another, and they’re united by purpose. An aligned belief that there is a place for a different breed of leader; a leader who cares and is willing to get messy.
Question for you – Do you know your people when you see them?