I need your help. (More on that in a minute.)
One of the things I love about ActionableBooks.com (and the 21st century in general), is that we’re empowered like never before to connect with our people. The people who are geographically spread, culturally diverse and yet share a common sense of purpose or belief. It’s a fairly amazing thing, if you think about it, and if you’re ever feeling isolated or “out of sync” with those around you, I encourage you to do a quick Google search for a passion, hobby or sense of purpose. Your tribe is out there, just waiting for you to join.
The tribe at Actionable that has the most defined sense of identity and common purpose is our Actionable Consultant Program. These coaches, consultants and facilitators are as diverse in their methodologies, lifestyles and business size as can be, yet they share a driving belief that there is power in the relationships between team members in the professional world, and that dialogue around (and application of) ideas from leading business books can be fuel for that power.
Our Actionable Consultants thrive on community. So much so that we’re making a concentrated effort this year to build regional hubs around the globe. Our first stop outside of Toronto is Seattle, Washington. We’re running an Actionable Consultant training session in early May, and we’re looking for the right kind of coaches, consultants and facilitators to invite to our inaugural west coast session. The right kind of people. Our kind of people. And, if anyone would know who we should be connected with on the west coast, I figured it would be you.
So here’s my ask: I’d like to personally connect with any consultants – in the Western United States or Canada – that you believe would “get” what we do here at Actionable. That you believe share our passion for change.
You can direct people in your network to www.actionablebooks.com/consultants, or just introduce them to me via email – chris [at] actionablebooks [dot] com. (We do that [at] and [dot] thing so robots won’t steal our email addresses… now you know.)
I really appreciate your help in this, and look forward to meeting your friend/coach/colleague/brother-in-law.
Thanks for your time.