Layering on “The Tribe”

Published on
December 12, 2011
Chris Taylor
"Ideas are only valuable when applied."
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This week’s summary of Rework (article written by new guest writer Bryann Alexandros) talks about the freedom of starting; of taking what little you have and making a go of it. It’s a summary of getting started despite not having a perfect plan, a giant pile of cash, or a “dream team” in place. As a boot-strapping entrepreneur myself, I applaud the sentiment and couldn’t agree more. However…

There’s something magical about finally getting traction with the tribe. Last week I had the distinct pleasure of running our first two-day Salaried Entrepreneur intensive with 6 individuals who get it. Who understand my passion for empowering managers to connect with and develop their teams. Who live and breathe the same “Why” as I do – that business is about the people, and 21st century success belongs to those teams with a unified purpose and a mutual “I’ve-got-your-back” mentality.

I couldn’t agree more with Rework’s statement that you can start with nothing more than idea so long as you start. But I’d add that there is a fantastic surge of strength and energy that comes from connecting with a team of people – employees, partners, clients and beyond – that share your sense of purpose.

Start with nothing. Then find and connect with your tribe. In other words, light the match… then throw a barrel gasoline on it. Exciting things will happen.