It’s a question we get asked all the time. So often, in fact, that we can often have an automatic response.
When talking about your company or your job, stop using buzz words, theoreticals and titles. Starting answering the question the way it was asked; talking about what you actually do. What impact you make in the world.
When I was at Summit at Sea last month, the most fascinating people to talk to were the ones who introduced themselves with how they impacted the world.
What’s more engaging:
“I help people gain peace of mind and confidence in their future, while creating a safe environment for couples to discuss their financial concerns and realities.”
“I sell mutual funds.”
Which of the two is coming to work with passion and purpose, working to positively impact the lives of their clients? Who would you rather buy from?
You get asked the question on almost a daily basis; why not play around with the way you answer? Share your purpose.