You’re doing noble work.
Never forget that. Whether your company is building airplanes, building widgets or serving a small group of individuals, you and your team are making the world a better place. And that’s worth celebrating.
Hopefully the holidays have provided you with the opportunity to take a step back from the rush of your daily tasks, and that you’re returning to work recharged and refocused. This is a time of global renewal and growth.
At Actionable, we celebrate those leaders who genuinely want to make the world a better place. We’re inspired and humbled by the growing community of such leaders that rally behind the Actionable Banner. Leaders who give a damn about the people on their teams and are taking proactive steps to make their workplaces into something transformative; something memorable and something special.
Regardless of whether you’re strictly accessing our free summaries for your own personal growth, or choose to use Actionable Workshops as a tool to advance your own office culture, the very fact that you’re proactively exploring tools for growth means, to us, that you’re already part of the tribe. For that burning desire to make the world a better place, we salute you.
Thank you for your leadership – that demonstrated to date, and that which is yet to come.