"Neuroscientists have recently discovered that the secret to breakthroughs lies in our ability to switch between these two modes, the focused and the meandering."- The Net and The Butterfly, page 26
We are all born with two brain networks. The Executive Network (EN), or Focused Mode, engages only when we need to be on-task. The Default Network (DN), or Meandering Mode, is the source of innovation, runs 24/7 and uses twenty times the body energy as the EN. Learning to switch modes is a core skill of a breakthrough thinker.
Dr. Marcus Raichle discovered the existence of the DN in 1997 and he found that it never shuts off, it only quiets down. The moment we move off task, we default to this network. Raichle declared that unconscious processing “is truly most of what we really do; because if we didn’t we’d be pretty hopeless.”
Many of our current business practices insist we keep our EN on most of the day. Yet, breakthroughs will only increase as we allow for more mode switching during the business day. “Science researchers in the field of creativity now recommend the regular inclusion of ‘mindless’ work, something low in both cognition need and performance pressure.”
Adam Cheyer, the creator of Apple’s Siri, relies on mode switching much like Thomas Edison did. “I sleep on the issues I’m wrestling with.” He discovered the hyperdrive of gathering his “genius council”, the place in his mind that collects ideas and analyzes them for potential. He wakes up with new insights from his DN and uses them to integrate into his work using his EN that day.
Cheyer is talking about using the power of the hypnagogic and hypnopompic states, the half-asleep periods just before falling asleep and just before waking. These are times when our genius council gathers often. You can move into the hypnopompic state more by:
As we rise out of the hypnopompic state, it’s vital to capture the breakthroughs before we move into the EN mode. The EN will use its on-task processes to move a breakthrough forward.
"The ability of the brain to change itself to compensate for deficiencies to change what parts of itself are used for, is just the start of what we now call neuroplasticity. In fact, our brains remain ‘plastic’, changeable, our entire lives."- The Net and The Butterfly, page 70
We used to believe that we stopped developing at a young age. Technology advances in neuroscience research have shown us that the human brain is in a constant state of restructuring, a process called neuroplasticity. Leading innovators are seeing that the higher percentage of “plastic” on a team, the more breakthrough success they experience.
Every breakthrough is a combination of ideas. We get unstuck when we create more connections. The brain trust at Autodesk created a breakthrough technique called the Seven Essential Innovation Questions, or SEIQ:
The authors list walking as a powerhouse tool for breakthroughs Move your body while you are learning and you will turbocharge your brain’s plasticity by increasing the size of the neural circuit which creates connections. All of these things add up to an increased chance of breakthroughs.
"Doubt is a signpost on the road to something new, a natural part of the journey to a breakthrough. If no one had doubts, they’d all have done it already!"- The Net and The Butterfly, page 157
Fear is an essential step on the path to a breakthrough. When fear is triggered, our body and mind work to protect us by triggering us into “fight or flight” mode. The authors name the Spiders of Fear:
A breakthrough happens when we move through the fear, not around it. To plow through it:
We evolved by using fear as a catalyst to do something. Using these insights, we can breakthrough our fears more often and take action to better our daily life.
The human race requires continuous breakthrough thinking to survive and thrive. The vital skills in the coming years will demand that we modernize our minds in order to sustain our future. The Net and the Butterfly gives us a framework and toolbox to practice an evolved state of working and living.
Judah Pollack is a former faculty member of Stanford StartX and current lecturer at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. As a speaker and strategic advisor in the art of leadership, he works regularly with the US Army’s Special Forces and Red Team University as well civilian clients such as the Plexus Institute, Airbnb, IDEO.org and The North Face.