"How soon 'not now' becomes 'never.'"
- Martin Luther, quoted in Zen to Done, page 77
"The 'Habit of Do' is key to the ZTD system. It's the habit that's missing from many other productivity systems, and yet it's the most important. All the rest is just busy work if you don't actually do the things on your to-do list."- Zen to Done, page 35
There is a real beauty in having systems and methods for our work. But so often the problem becomes that we are managing the system more than we are leveraging it to accomplish our work. I have certainly been guilty of this when it comes to using systems like Basecamp or Trello to organize and maintain workflow. Babauta advocates that instead of focusing on these types of systems, we revert to something simpler that requires less time and technology so that we can focus on doing. It seems like an obvious notion, yet one that is often overlooked.
If you’re curious to see how much time you actually spend taking action (as opposed to checking email, answering calls, etc), consider tracking your time for a week to take a baseline measurement. I did this as an exercise and was very surprised to find that the amount of time I spent taking action was well below what I expected.
"I don’t think becoming completely organized and productive in one year is such a bad accomplishment."- Zen to Done, page 12
While there are 10 habits, they can be grouped into four categories – collect, process, plan and do. These form the foundation of Zen to Done and they include:
It could be easy to get overwhelmed by the potential changes that are suggested to improve productivity and organization, but Babauta encourages readers to only do 2 to 3 at a time. Additionally, once you have tried them all only stick with the ones the best serve you and your work.
"Clear away all distractions, and be sure to focus only on that task until it’s done. When you’re done, reward yourself . . . but be sure to move on to your next MIT shortly!"- Zen to Done, page 34
Because we have access to email and social media on our phones, which often double as our alarm clocks, it is all too easy to being the day in a chaotic, reactionary manner. To counteract this, Babauta suggests what may be the most difficult habit of them all for readers to implement – do the most important tasks first. Don’t check your email, RSS feeds or social media. Refer to the daily list of MITs that you’ve created for yourself and focus on completing those first.
This is a habit that I am in the process of implement in my own life. It has been difficult since most of my work is done and saved on Google Drive. It is nearly inevitable that I scan through my email on the way to getting to my MITs. I’ve started using Word again so that I can work without the Internet in the background. Forming this new work routine has been a bit challenging, but I can that I am much more effective in getting my work done so that I have ample time in my day for living beyond work.
Leo Babauta is the author of “The Power of Less” and the creator and blogger at “Zen Habits,” a Top 25 blog (according to “TIME” magazine) with 200,000 subscribers — one of the top productivity and simplicity blogs on the Internet.